How Lou’s making a difference
If you don’t know I have been training to run 10 Miles on a treadmill for Endometriosis UK.
Why, You ask,? Well buckle up, get a cuppa and let me explain.
Since November 2019 I have been putting my trainers on and getting my miles in each week for the 1 in 10 women who suffer from a condition called Endometriosis. I will try my best to keep this short and sweet, please note that I will be talking about my experience, if you see any signs that are similar or you think you could have it please go to your GP, also please understand that my symptoms may not be the same as you or someone you know, this is a very unique disorder and it can vary hugely between individuals. However, please do just ask me any questions or if need some help please just message me.
Endometriosis (en-doe-me-tree-o-sis): This is a disorder in which the tissue that forms the lining of your uterus grows outside your uterine cavity. Endometriosis occurs when the tissue grows on your ovaries, bowel, tissue lining, pelvis and Fallopian tubes. However, people have also been known to have it on their lungs. These growths are known as chocolate cysts and they stick causing a lot of pain and discomfort.
Endometriosis can also occur when you have a monthly cycle, the lining shreds but has nowhere to go and can the get trapped.
The pain you have is not a direct reflection of the severity of your disorder, you could have mild form of this condition but be in acute pain, or very small amounts of pain but a severe case of the condition. There is no cure and the only current method to diagnose this condition is via laparoscopy
Symptoms can include but not subject to:
Pain during and not during your period
Pain during sex
Pain in lower abdomen
Bleeding in-between periods
Discomfort with bowel movements
Hormone Therapy (coil, injection, pill e.t.c)
Pain Management (painkillers, herbal methods)
Artificial Menopause (Zoladex e.t.c)
Anti-Inflammatory drugs
Fertility treatment
I have suffered from Endometriosis for roughly 8 years, I have had 5 operations, been on different medications, tried different treatments. I am a 1 in 10.
The reason for doing this?
To get more education to doctors, hospitals and health services, it’s to provide support services to the people struggling.
To help the women and girls who are just experiencing this and are in the hands of GP’s who don’t really understand and fob you off with bad gas, IBS, bad periods.
To generally raise awareness of this condition and do my small part towards helping others who may suffer.
I had it all I was told I was depressed; I was told I had bad periods, which I never had struggled with previously. I was told to go away and see what happens. I was looked at weirdly for screaming an ambulance down from flare ups that would send my body into melt down. It wasn’t until I was not touching my food and was starting strong pain medication that I then got referred to a gynaecologist which wasn’t even an Endometriosis specialist. I was operated on and got told that I had this condition, but my case was to complex, and I needed to be seen at the Endometriosis centre at Royal Surrey Hospital. By this time, it was on my bowel, my ovaries, it had twisted my appendix and stuck itself to the back of my womb. I was dosed up on Tramadol, had Morphine in the cupboards so we could cut down on 999 calls and I was put into early menopause. I was 19/21 at this point and I was done, my body had been through the ringer. I had lost a fair amount of weight, I was on a basic diet of shakes to maintain my weight, but over time it got better and my health improved. I had my last operation in 2016 and I have been on the better end since. As it stands, I have not needed to go back, I am on the contraceptive pill and no strong pain medication. It’s been 2 ½ years and it’s the longest stretch with no complications. I don’t know my fate with regards to having children - this condition throws those curve balls when it comes to it.
That’s just an insight to what I had, but there are women out there that need a full hysterectomy because they can’t have children and the damage is so bad. There are women who have countless operations and still feel no relief, I may add there are women worse off than me. So I pledged to push my limit and run 10 miles on a treadmill. My training has been great for a non-runner and a limited gym user - who knows, maybe a half marathon next!?
I would love for you to support me, hopefully my story can just make you realise why this really means the world to me.
I will be doing my event at Dual Strength + Fitness on Saturday 14th March at 10:00 am, I will have a table of cakes, balloons, information leaflets and a donation box. I will have a treadmill reserved next to me so if you’d like to jump on for a walk, jog, run or chat i’d really love it!
Please find my link to my Virgin Giving account:
Thank you for reading, let’s make a difference together.